+43 1 9969 786 office@estocon.at

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Frequently asked questions

Some answers to question that may help you decide on the next step:

How long does a compliance check take?

We have created a standardised compliance check already. This means that all our customers can benefit from  a well-organised and really cost saving project. Every single step is proven and therefore no time is wasted with the process.


Why is license management important?

Every company, no matter how small or how big, must address the question of software compliance. At the beginning, it seems easy to purchase and to install a license. But when questions arise about the permissibility of using it in specific scenarios, the necessary know how is mostly lacking.

Do you also have a quick check?

Yes. We give all our customers the option to start a free fulfilment check so that they have a better understanding of their status and enable them to assess their need for license management.

How to get started?

Just choose one of our three options – we will do the rest. We advise all our new customers to pick our license compliance check first. In this way, we can create an IT infrastructure overview, which will enable us to assess and demonstrate what service is needed.

What are the advantages of proper license management?

Because estocon is certified by different license vendors and able to perform compliance checks, the outcome – license balance – can optionally be shared with the license owner and can help to create a proactive relationship between client and software vendor.

Can I cancel my fully managed service?

Yes. Depending for how long you choose to take our service, we are always willing to find the best solution for both sides.

Still have questions?

"The employees really apply themselves and are committed to looking after and representing the costumer in a very professional manner."

– from one of our long-standing customers